Have no fear! Nerdy Chick Number Two is here!!! LOL...
Yes I have been intensely busy...
Lots of changes have been have been made recently...Lots of work to do :)
So. I now have my own place and am still working on finding a job which is proving to be quite a challenge. ...
Right now I have a friend sitting next to me flipping me in the arm because I am more focused on what I am doing on the computer. It really is getting quite annoying... I might have to take some action... BRB...
... I am back now lol. So... as I was saying. Hmm... What was I saying? Oh yes... Not much of anything really... How have you all been? Do we even have any readers? lol. HMM......
So... I was reading a car magazine earlier and it actually made me laugh. Gas saving tips were in it... yet they were random things that you SHOULD NOT REALLY DO! But I loved it because the writer was so totally sarcastic I laughed my way right through the entire article.
To save gas pump up your tires to 230 psi and when you wake up in the hospital from a month long coma, you have just saved gas... lol. WOW. Just saying... wow.
Also to save gas, Drive as fast as you can on a wet curvy road and when you wrap your vehicle around a tree, carpool with others after you get bandaged up. One day call out of work and go steal things out of the others houses. ... Just wow. What kinda state of mind was THAT person in! LOL that was a hell of a suggestion. Quite awesome.
Anyone notice how most Waffle House employees are missing teeth? I have recently applied to there. I am wondering now if missing teeth is a requirement. Perhaps that is why I have not yet received a call back... LOL. JK...
I know I am getting older because when some teenagers pull up beside me with their hats sideways and throwing random hand signals out there that may or may not mean anything at all... blasting their loud music that annoys me... I think those damn kids! lol... WOW
Getting OLD... SMH...
Well... That's about all I have for randomness right now. I will post again soon. See ya then. :P